Music could effect your mood, setting off a series of reactions when it releases the feel-good neurotransmitter dopamine. Imagine how we felt the time an elderly man who hadn't said a word for two years began to sing a familiar song when he was serenaded live. And the many, many times we've brought happiness to a lonely persons heart.

Music affects your memories.....and in all our years of performing we have never seen music bring about a bad memory, only happy ones. Music moves your eardrums and jiggles the bones of your inner ears.

Music affects your brainpower, specifically your frontal cortex. Music also affects pain, anxiety, metabolism and immunity. *

LIVE FAMILIAR MUSIC CAN BRING A PERSON TO we should be using our talent and knowledge of Yiddish songs to constantly be bringing joy and ensure our elderly have access to the tunes of our culture.

For Giving Tuesday we will be giving back to the community by providing Jewish Music for a weekly Service at Regents Park Aventura. United Jewish Bridge To Healing will be accepting  donations toward our Giving Tuesday Goal up to and during Giving Tuesday, November 29, 2016,  and continuing to meet our goal up to the year end .These donations will be used toward our programming for the community and specifically for musical activities for our elderly to be held at the nursing home they reside in, as well as, to include other nursing, assisted living and independent living facilities. Donations can be in honor of or in Memory of your loved ones or designated for a certain type of programming.


Refuah Shelema by Chayim Kessler

My Father said. " If it wasn't for the music we would never have survived", Holocaust Journal Asher Greenberg, Zt'l

Link to Documentary filmed on Yom Hashoa April 7, 2013: Tribute To Asher Greenberg, Zt'l   Michelle Kessler

*The above medical facts were taken from a " Womans Health" article published on June 21, 2016.

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